Monday, December 17, 2012

Poll Everywhere

Here is a great blog post on how to use Poll Everywhere and a tutorial video on getting started. Great work from Greg Kulowiec.

The Post - Poll Everywhere Advice and Questioning Strategies

Foreign Language Support

Here is a great site shared by Ms. Grimmer that offers tutorials, videos and other ideas for teaching a foreign language.

Check it out and see if there is anything that you would share with the rest of your department.

Interactive Science Sites

Here are a couple of sites from Jessica H. If she says they are good, they must be good.

Here is one site for interactive Science Simulations

Here is another great site for interactive Science and Math Simulations

Storybird Tutorial

This webtool allows users to use pictures to tell a story they have created. Here is a video on how to use this tool in the classroom.

Google Sites Tutorial Videos

Here is some great information on using Google Sites with students. Now that our students all have Google Accounts, they can create their own websites easily and for free. Check out the videos below to see how to use Google Sites.

Skip the first video, it is the user showing everyone Google Hangouts.